Laboring Fervently in Prayer to Stand Firm in ALL the Will of God (Because His Will Doesn’t Always Happen)

The Lord often teaches me by keeping me on certain themes for periods of time (of varying lengths). Lately, it’s about doing His will, being able to do His will, how the devil (the thief) steals from us through sickness, etc. to keep us from God’s will.

What does all this mean?

It means God has His will for each of us but that the VERY will of God doesn’t always happen. So, let’s look to what God has to say about this.

“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance,” (2 Peter 3:9). 

It’s NOT God’s will that any should perish (in hell for eternity), but because we have free will people will choose to reject His will for themselves through unbelief by rejecting His Son, Jesus. Thus also rejecting eternal life with Him in heaven. Again, not God’s will. Because He loves us, He didn’t create us like robots and lets us choose Jesus and eternity with Him or not.

God’s will: That all confess Christ and none perish for eternity.

God’s will not happening: People reject Jesus as their Lord and Savior for themselves and choose hell instead.

“But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the will of God for themselves, not having been baptized by him,” (Luke 7:30). 

God’s will: Receive the baptism by John the baptist (God’s will before Jesus got His ministry going).

God’s will not happening: They outright rejected what God told them to do using John the baptist to speak to them regarding His command at that time.

“They certainly shall not see the land of which I swore to their fathers, nor shall any of those who rejected Me see it. But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it,” (Numbers 14:23-24). 

God’s will: For all the children of Israel to believe Him and His will for them when He said the land was theirs despite the giants there. We see Caleb accepted God’s word, promise, and will for Himself as truth and did enter the land because he didn’t fear the giants there based on God telling him the land was theirs. By faith, he knew that also meant that God would also help them defeat the giants.

God’s will not happening: Most rejected His will for themselves – that the land was theirs – and therefore did not receive or get to enter the land and partake of His promise to them.

“Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God,” (Colossians 4:12).

This is so powerful to me right now! Thank You, Father, for using it to minister to me in such a mighty way by Your Holy Spirit.

See how Colossians 4:12 magnifies the importance of prayer and the massive consequences of prayerlessness? 

Epaphras was led by the Spirit in this. In order for them to stand firm in God’s will, He knew by God that it required “laboring fervently in prayers,” for them.

Wow, my Lord! Thank You so much for this incredible revelation. Colossians 4:12 in the NIV says it like this, “Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.”

We are in such a spiritual battle that it requires a pray without ceasing, wrestling in prayer, in order to stay in God’s will.

This brings to mind, Matthew 6:10, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” This is why prayer is not an option but a must for anyone who desires to stand firm in God’s will. I have often cried, “Lord, keep me! I cannot keep myself.”

Why is this important?

Before I get to that, I must warn, because love warns, that there are a great many in the church who have been taught and have not checked the Word and sought the Lord for themselves to make sure what they were being taught was His truth, and therefore, spread lies about the will of God in ignorance. Many believe that God’s will always happens and happen automatically. This is far from what the Word teaches. And He’s our go to on the truth, of course. That belief is inspired by satan and has made its way into the church like a snake, vice gripping it into passivity as believing God’s will just happens makes for prayerless, apathetic, inactive children of God. We don’t have to be this way though. With God’s help, we can make that change right now and choose His truth and a life of prayer to be able to stand firm in all His will for us.

It’s important because it highlights prayer as a need if we desire to stand firm in God’s will for our lives and that His will clearly doesn’t always happen (because of prayerlessness and free will).


Father, thank You for being the best Teacher ever. Apart from You, we can do nothing. Not even understand Your Word. All glory and honor and praise to You for the revelations found in this word (post)! I bless Your name forever. Hallelujah!

6 responses to “Laboring Fervently in Prayer to Stand Firm in ALL the Will of God (Because His Will Doesn’t Always Happen)”

  1. Recently we have been praying a short little prayer that has really blessed and impacted our spiritual walk. “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Only by the mercy of God we will stand firm in the days to come.


    1. That’s the Arrow Prayer. God delights to show mercy. The wisdom from above is FULL of mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.


      1. hiswarringhandmaid Avatar

        I love that. Arrow prayer. Amen.


  2. hiswarringhandmaid Avatar

    Important to ask for mercy as well. Thank you sister.


  3. God is rich in mercy. The Mercy Seat is in the Holy of Holies. Come boldly to the Throne of Grace, so that you would obtain mercy.


    1. hiswarringhandmaid Avatar

      Praise God we get to come boldly because of Jesus. Prayer is an amazing gift from God.


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